Camel Power

Photos of motive and rolling stock, stations, signals and anything else train related in Eritrea! Photos should be 800x600 pixels, maximum size 130K. Very good ones will be moved to the Online Gallery, the rest will be pruned away after 14 days to conserve space.
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John Ashworth
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Camel Power

Post by John Ashworth »

Camel power in Eritrea
Camel power in Eritrea
camel eritrea02183.jpg (30.92 KiB) Viewed 5116 times
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John Ashworth
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Post by John Ashworth »

Another camel in Eritrea

Photos from the internet - source unknown
Alternate modes of transport
Alternate modes of transport
camel er02129s.jpeg (72.51 KiB) Viewed 4988 times
Kevin Wilson-Smith

Post by Kevin Wilson-Smith »

John, when are we going to Eritria?
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John Ashworth
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Post by John Ashworth »

Two or three years ago, after I showed a DVD of the Eritrean Railway to a few people, we looked seriously at arranging a FOTR trip. I've got a mate in Asmara who was willing to book us into cheap hotels and find transport cheaper than a tour agent could, and we found out how much Eritrean Railways charges per hour or per day to have a loco in steam. We also checked up on air fares. I can't remember what the final price was for the whole package (I seem to remember somewhere between R10 000 and 14 000, depending on how many blokes came, with the air fare being by far the single most expensive part of that figure) but most people thought it was too expensive, so I dropped it.

We could think about it again for next year if a few blokes (and wives too, maybe? there's a lot to see in Eritrea apart from railways) are interested.
Paul Ash
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Post by Paul Ash »

John Ashworth wrote:Two or three years ago, after I showed a DVD of the Eritrean Railway to a few people, we looked seriously at arranging a FOTR trip. I've got a mate in Asmara who was willing to book us into cheap hotels and find transport cheaper than a tour agent could, and we found out how much Eritrean Railways charges per hour or per day to have a loco in steam. We could think about it again for next year if a few blokes (and wives too, maybe? there's a lot to see in Eritrea apart from railways) are interested.

Time to look at this again, I reckon. Me and g/f are very keen. And yes, the rail journey would be just part of an incredible experience.

I'm in.


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